Nodys Syrup Ayurchem
Nodys Syrup Ayurchem
Nodys Syrup Ayurchem
Nodys Syrup Ayurchem
Nodys Syrup Ayurchem
Nodys Syrup Ayurchem
Only 959 left in stock Sold out

Nodys Syrup

  • Checks mucosal irritability & urgency of bowel movements
  • Exerts anti-diarrhoeal & anti dysenteric properties
  • Relieves acute abdominal pain, overcomes discomfort
  • Decreases frequency of stools and checks infection
  • Helps in maintaining intestinal microbial flora
NOTE: The information provided on this page is not intended to substitute any advice from a registered medical practitioner. Please do not use this advice for self medication, diagnosis, treatment or substitution of a prescribed medicine. This product is being sold to you under the assumption that you have been prescribed this medicine by a registered medicinal practitioner. You must abide and follow advice given by a registered medicinal practitioner.
Rs. 212.00 Rs. 206.00 Rs. 212.00 Sold out
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